Legendary Spells & Abilities
Legendary Spells (Level 10-20)
Tier: Level 10
Classes: All
Type: Magic
AP Cost: 0
SP Cost: 5
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: Self
Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a
Description: As a free Reaction, nullify any ailment you would have otherwise been inflicted with until the start of your next turn. This includes Death-specific Abilities, Custom Moves with ailments, and Finishing Blows. with ailments
Tier: Level 710
Classes: All
Type: Magic
AP Cost: 0
SP Cost: 0
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: Self
Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a
Description: Convert Cinematic Points into permanent Active and/or Passive Scores. Each Cinematic counts as 1 point for any given Score. Active Scores affected by Rate do not increase by Rate when using this ability. You may use this ability as often as desired, whenever desired. as long as you have the Cinematic Points to do so.
Tier: Level 10
Classes: All
Type: Magic
AP Cost: 2
SP Cost: All
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: Self
Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a
Description: A blow that would have otherwise killed you only renders/keeps you unconscious. You can be attacked over and over and be hit with Death without suffering a character death for yourself. This only works once, and must be eliminated from the Ability List once you are conscious again. The slot can be replaced by another ability. (Must know Anointed)
Tier: Level 15
Classes: All
Type: Annointed
AP Cost: 0
SP Cost: 0
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: Self
Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a
Description: Increases difficulty of main story quests, but increases Rate by +10 as long as this Ability isn’t removed from the Ability List. This allows you to also learn Anointed Abilities.
Tier: Level 15
Classes: All
Type: Annointed
AP Cost: 0
SP Cost: 0
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: Self
Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a
Description: The limit of abilities that you can have increases to 20. (Must know Anointed)
Tier: Level 20
Classes: All
Type: Annointed
AP Cost: 0
SP Cost: 0
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: Self
Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a
Description: Allows you to call forth and fight an Anointed opponent. If victorious, you level up to Level 21, and can continue leveling up from future battles/events until the Campaign ends. You no longer need “Anointed” or “Anointed Perk” in your Ability list to use their effects.. (Must know Anointed beforehand).